outpours from my journal 1


I had a long day, this write up is a deviation from my normal troll.
I started an HSE  course today, was a bit down because of some unmet expectations and percieved weakness.
So what did i do, i remembered a friend had sent me an e-copy of one of Francine Rivers novel, titled MASTERPIECE, and so i buried myself in this 1025 paged novel
On completion of the novel a verse of the scripture dropped in my mind 
EPHESIANS 2:10(NLT): for we are God's MASTERPIECE , he has created us ANEW in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Masterpiece by definition is a person's greatest piece of work, as in an art. Anything done with masterly skill.
The novel opened me up to the intricate details of a masterpiece, meaning that God was deliberate with every detail inputed into me at creation.
He created us ANEW ; meaning he took away the "OLD US" because the old us cannot do the good things he planned for us long ago( remember the old wine skin and new wine skin story in the bible)
This newness of nature/life qualified us for service in his vineyard.
you are his masterpiece, his greatest piece of work, that was why he created you and I on the 6th day and not on any other day.
Don't sell yourself short of the great worth he placed on you 
so my dear, take a chilled cup of smoothie , cross your legs and balance the novel MASTERPIECE  in your hand, while you read as you sip your cup of smoothie
CONFESSION: I am God's masterpiece and i refuse to sell myself short of that from today onward. AMEN

HSE--Health Safety and Enviroment
NLT--New Living translation

watch out for the second edition of outpours from my journal
Don't forget to share with your friends and families 


  1. Thank you for the wonderful reminder. I'm God's masterpiece


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