A NOTE TO MY DEAR FRIEND Today I write to you my friend Which I haven't done in a while You tell me every day that you love me But wait, do you know what love is? Do you know who GOD is? If you know who God is , you will not find it hard to know what love is Love is GOD and GOD is love. Take a walk with me my dear A walk to 1st Corinthians 13 My dear, with all the skabbashing, if love isn’t found in you, you are but a clanging cymbal You think you can preach ba, lol, yet you find it hard to love your neighbour, love hasn't taken its full course in you yet You give to the beggars on your street every weekend, but deep within you, u know it’s not borne out of love, you know it’s to relieve the burden of your guilt from your last hang out You are not patient with your employees, you aren’t kind to the cleaner at your work place and yet when the man of God says, turn to your neighbor and say you love them , you do so baring your smile, you decei...